Thursday, January 14, 2010

Profile of a Predator

There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way it treats its children. ~ Nelson Mandela

The man to the right is Mr. Arch Smith, Headmaster and VP of the Board of Trustees of Trinity-Pawling School. He looks like a trustworthy, elderly gentleman. Someone you could entrust with the safety of your child. But you'd be wrong.

What the picture doesn't tell you is that this man is a pedophile's best friend, complicit in keeping many victims silent. I can say this because I and other victims of child sexual abuse by faculty have come forward to confront the school about pedophile faculty. In fact, my abuser a close friend, neighbor, and colleague of Mr. Smith. Yet despite all the victims who have come forward, Mr. Smith has yet to press any charges against his pedophile friend or investigate the full scope and extent of the abuse. As of date of this post on Jan 5, 2010, the school refuses to apologize to any of the victims.
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