Tuesday, December 22, 2009

King Midas has the Ears of an ASS

I thought I'd post this quick note to tell my readers where I've been. You might have guessed that the school's lawyers have a problem with my talking publicly about the schools support of pedophile faculty. So, they contacted my lawyer—(I can't friggin' believe I just said that since I've never hired a lawyer before in my life). Anyway, they said they didn't like my posts, and then demanded that I remove them. No way. People need to know about this.

But to make it easier on my lawyer (btw, turns out lawyers charge by the hour), I took my posts offline temporarily until the school's lawyers could figure out exactly which posts they object to and their grounds for objecting to them. I waited a long time for their lawyers to put their thoughts into “words”. Then I took a header off the 95 on my bike and needed to rest up (that's another story).

Well its been over two months and the School's lawyers cannot explain exactly what it is about my posts that so objectionable. So We're back. And louder than before. We win.